Neiro | Functional programming, software architecture

Posts tagged "functional":

Well-crafted functional architecture: ports and adapters

01 Okt 2019

At we are developing a modern social platform containing a humongous amount of features.

Tags: elixir functional architecture ports adapters

Markov chains in Elixir

31 Jul 2016

Markov chain or Markov model is a process that undergoes transitions from one state to another. The next state depends only on current state and not the sequence of previous events. This allows us to use Markov chains as statistical models for real-world processes.

Tags: elixir functional

Pattern matching in Elixir

31 Mai 2016

Pattern matching is a key feature of functional programming. It allows you to check a given sequence of tokens for the presence of the constituents of some pattern. Using pattern matching you can easily operate with complex data structures in most expressive and eloquent way. Elixir provides pattern matching like any other functional programming language.

Tags: elixir functional

Introduction to Elixir

24 Apr 2016

If you want to use all features of functional programming with Ruby-like syntax to write modern fast, fault-tolerant applications, you may take a look at Elixir programming language.

Tags: elixir functional

Partial function application and currying in Ruby

08 Mär 2016

Currying and partial function application are common concepts of the functional programming. They look similar, but have differences in realization and using. Ruby allows you to easily operate with both of them.

Tags: ruby functional

Immutable collections in Ruby with Hamster

14 Feb 2016

Ruby has much in common with functional programming languages. For example, Ruby supports high-order functions, lambdas, currying and recursion, but not the immutability - Ruby’s types and data structures are mutable and can be changed at any time.

Tags: ruby functional immutable

High level Node.JS streams

28 Jan 2016

Node.js has a simple and powerful stream API. Streams in Node.js are unix pipes that let you perform asynchronous I/O operations by reading source data and pipe it to destination. If your application operates not with streams only, but promises, callbacks or synchronous code, you may want to use more deeper abstraction that fits your needs. In this case you may take a look at Highland.

Tags: javascript functional

Trine util library

31 Dez 2015

As we know, functional programming in JavaScript is not the best experience, unlike the plain functional languages (Haskell, Lisp, etc). But new standards of JavaScript - ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) and ES7(ECMAScript 2016) introduce some improvements and allows you to write code in more functional style:

Tags: javascript functional

Functional Ruby gem

28 Nov 2015

Ruby is a great example of multi-paradigm programming language: it allows you to write code in object-oriented, imperative or functional styles. Ruby have much in common with functional programming languages: high-order functions, closures, anonymous functions, continuations, statements all values. If you want to use more functional programming patterns and tools, you might want to take a look on Functional Ruby gem.

Tags: ruby functional

Functional programming with Ramda.js

05 Sep 2015

JavaScript is one of the most dynamic, flexible programming languages. It supports multiple programming paradigms - imperative, object (prototype) oriented, scripting, and functional.
Let’ see what JavaScript has common with functional programming languages:

Tags: javascript ramda functional
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