Elixir continious integration with CircleCI
Elixir programming language has gained popularity and now it is supported at many platforms, including plenty of CI services. In this article we will see how we can achieve seamless and (almost) dead simple continious integration by using CircleCI in our Elixir projects.
1 CircleCI 2.0
CircleCI is one of the most popular and user-friendly continious integration solutions. It supports many programming languages and tools, including Elixir and Erlang/OTP.
CircleCI is entirely free when it comes to open-source GitHub repositories, but it also provides free 1500 minutes a month for any private repos.
Starting version 2.0 CircleCI can create jobs based on any images from DockerHub. This feature makes possible to build any programming language or platform that can be placed in Docker image.
Imagine you have a standard Elixir Phoenix / Ecto application. You need to run it on the latest versions of Elixir and Erlang/OTP and run the tests on PostgreSQL database.
Let’s start by creating a CircleCI configuration file in
version: 2 # use CircleCI 2.0 instead of CircleCI Classic jobs: # basic units of work in a run build: # runs not using Workflows must have a `build` job as entry point parallelism: 1 # run only one instance of this job in parallel docker: # run the steps with Docker - image: circleci/elixir:1.6 # ...with this image as the primary container; this is where all `steps` will run environment: # environment variables for primary container MIX_ENV: test SHELL: /bin/bash - image: mdillon/postgis:9.6-alpine # database image environment: # environment variables for database POSTGRES_DB: app_test steps: # commands that comprise the `build` job - checkout # check out source code to working directory - run: mix local.hex --force # install Hex locally (without prompt) - run: mix local.rebar --force # fetch a copy of rebar (without prompt)
As you can see here, we are declaring the build
continious integration
job. Basically we will use the Elixir 1.6 with PostgreSQL 9.6 to run
tests on the app_test
database. After that we will checkout source
code base to fetch our recent changes into the build. mix local
are also necessary in order to use any of Mix tasks later.
2 Running tests and code quality
All of us want to run all common continious integration steps such as:
- Fetch dependencies and compile application
- Run code quality tools and checks (you can read more about it here)
- Execute all tests to make sure that our build is successful and infallible
- Run heavy and bulky static analysis tools
Also we want to make our builds as fast as possible, so we definitely need caching. Let’s continue with our config and implement the steps above:
{% raw %}
- restore_cache: # restores saved mix cache keys: # list of cache keys, in decreasing specificity - v1-mix-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "mix.lock" }} - v1-mix-cache-{{ .Branch }} - v1-mix-cache - restore_cache: # restores saved build cache keys: - v1-build-cache-{{ .Branch }} - v1-build-cache - restore_cache: # restores saved plt cache keys: - dialyzer-cache - run: mix do deps.get, compile # get updated dependencies & compile them - save_cache: # generate and store cache so `restore_cache` works key: v1-mix-cache-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "mix.lock" }} paths: "deps" - save_cache: # make another less specific cache key: v1-mix-cache-{{ .Branch }} paths: "deps" - save_cache: # you should really save one more cache just in case key: v1-mix-cache paths: "deps" - save_cache: # don't forget to save a *build* cache, too key: v1-build-cache-{{ .Branch }} paths: "_build" - save_cache: # and one more build cache for good measure key: v1-build-cache paths: "_build" - run: mix do format --check-formatted, credo --strict, security - run: mix do xref deprecated --include-siblings, xref unreachable --include-siblings, xref graph --format stats - run: # special utility that stalls main process until DB is ready name: Wait for DB command: dockerize -wait tcp://localhost:5432 -timeout 1m - run: mix do ecto.migrations, ecto.load - run: mix test # run all tests in project - run: mix dialyzer --halt-exit-status - save_cache: key: dialyzer-cache paths: "_build/test/dialyxir*.plt" - store_test_results: # upload test results for display in Test Summary path: _build/test/lib/app/results.xml
{% endraw %}
Now you can start new builds by signing up into CircleCI as it will run the configuration and steps from your config. Every commit in any branch will run the build job and you will know if something is wrong with your code.
3 Deploying
However, having only one build job is not enough even for the simplest CI process. Most often we need to make a staging/production release by using Distillery.
Let’s continue filling up our configuration file by adding a new
deploy: docker: - image: circleci/elixir:1.6 environment: # environment variables for primary container SHELL: /bin/bash MIX_ENV: staging steps: - checkout # check out source code to working directory - run: mix local.hex --force # install Hex locally (without prompt) - run: mix local.rebar --force # fetch a copy of rebar (without prompt) - run: mix do deps.get, compile # get updated dependencies & compile them # set MIX_ENV to prod or staging value according to the source branch - run: name: Update MIX_ENV environment variable command: | echo "export MIX_ENV=$(if [ '$CIRCLE_BRANCH' '==' 'master' ]; then echo 'prod'; else echo 'staging'; fi)" >> $BASH_ENV source $BASH_ENV - run: cd deps/argon2_elixir && make clean && make && cd - - run: MIX_ENV=staging mix release --env $MIX_ENV - run: tar -zcvf $CIRCLE_SHA1.tar.gz bin appspec.yml VERSION _build/$MIX_ENV/rel/app/releases/$(cat VERSION)/app.tar.gz
This will be enough to create a separate deploy job that will run on a separate Docker image. However, we will need to run it only on develop and master branches in order to upload staging/production releases accordingly. We can achieve this by using CircleCI workflow and providing a simple configuration at the bottom of our config file:
workflows: version: 2 build-and-deploy: jobs: - build - deploy: requires: - build filters: branches: only: - develop - master
After that you are free to upload the built release to any server or any platform you want. You can use Edeliver, Ansible, Chef, Docker - it’s up to you.
4 Conclusion
As you can see above, it’s not so hard to build and deploy Elixir applications with CircleCI 2.0. This platform is flexible and fast enough to make your continious integration bright and shiny.
If you want to discover even more on the topic then let’s read CircleCI 2.0 documentation and Elixir Language Guide.
Happy hacking, everyone!